As an Owl, your master body clock has been set so that you feel more alert later in the afternoon. This means when you wake up, your energy levels are generally low and you may find it hard to remain vigilant. Current society functions on early schedules, and for many, their mornings are the time for mentally vigorous work. Owls are complete outliers in this sense and actively avoid tasks that require any attention to detail in the morning.
But that doesn’t mean an owl can't do anything productive in the morning. 9am to 12pm is a great period for CREATIVE tasks. Creative tasks require innovative, out of the box thinking to generate new ideas and solutions, and in turn require less attention to detail. Not engaging in too much mental energy will help owls ease into the day.
The afternoon from 5pm to 9pm is when owls have their greatest focus and energy. ANALYTICAL tasks that require logical and critical thinking, and need a lot of attention to detail, focus and very few distractions, are best completed during this time. For some owls, this flow of energy can last straight into the evening and late dinners are a regular occurrence.