As a Dolphin, your daily performance is highly dependent on the quality of sleep you get. And that’s because even though dolphins get eight hours of sleep a day, most are not getting the restorative sleep they actually need.
While asleep, dolphins often drift back into wakefulness, preventing them from getting into a deeper phase of sleep where all the restorative benefits of sleep occur (known as your Deep Sleep State). As a result, dolphins are most likely to be diagnosed with insomnia.
Getting out of bed can feel like a chore and as light seeps into the bedroom in the morning, dolphins find it difficult to stay asleep. But once they wake up they will usually be alert. 9am to 12pm is a great time for ANALYTICAL tasks that require logical and critical thinking, which in turn requires a lot of attention to detail, focus and very few distractions. But with little sleep, dolphins at most will only achieve sporadic bursts of productivity.
As they day goes on, tiredness will kick in and by early afternoon energy levels are generally low. Now’s a good time for a dolphin to schedule a break.
While it might be tempting to doze off for the rest of the afternoon, dolphins can use the period 3pm to 6pm for CREATIVE tasks. Creative tasks require innovative, out of the box thinking to generate new ideas and solutions and in turn less attention to detail. With dolphins being naturally friendly, creative sessions done in teams are where they thrive the most.