3 Simple Steps to Reclaim Your Sleep Routine After The Summer Holidays

3 Simple Steps to Reclaim Your Sleep Routine After The Summer Holidays

Going on holiday is a great way to recharge the batteries and refocus your mind. However, coming back from a holiday and trying to resume a productive schedule can seem like a daunting task. It's important to get back on track as soon as possible in a gradual manner in order to avoid feeling overwhelmed, especially if you are a student. To avoid pushing yourself too hard on the first day back and going into panic mode, it's crucial to have a plan in place to assist you switch back to an academic mind-set.

Ways to de-stress post-holiday

Rushing back into your studies right after coming back from a holiday can maybe make you feel sluggish and burnt out. So, it is important to give yourself some buffer time after coming back from holiday and before starting your studies again. Best ways to de-stress could be by taking a short walk, calming your mind with mediation, or even taking a few minutes for some deep breathing to name a few.

1. Refresh your routine

Start the new academic year by refreshing your daily routine. This could be looking at your diet, exercise and sleeping habits, which all go towards helping you be your best self.

Ensuring adequate and high-quality sleep is crucial for students of all ages as it as it helps you stay focused, improve concentration, and improve academic performance.

Your brain goes through activities that are crucial for learning and memory retention when you sleep. During various stages of sleep, information gathered throughout the day is processed and then stored in various memory systems within the brain.


Sleep with rapid eye movement (REM) is particularly important for processing emotional and procedural memories; non-REM sleep is important for processing declarative memories. These essential functions of the brain are disrupted by sleep deprivation, which makes it harder for the brain to process, store, and recall information when needed. This can result in problems including short-term memory loss and trouble learning and remembering new information.

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2. Create a dedicated area to study and revise

Ensure you have a calm, comfortable and conductive area to study and revise in with good lighting and where a noise level is kept to a minimum; this could be an office, spare room, an area at the local library or even a coffee shop for some.

Studying can be stressful, so it’s best done in a place where you keep clutter to a minimum and considering personalising your area of study as this is a great way to make you feel comfortable while you’re studying.

3. Manage your time

Time management will help you prioritise what you need to work on and for how long. Have a set time and duration of when you will be allocating time for study as well as breaks in between and stick with it!


Good luck with your studies and remember to take breaks and get lots of great sleep 






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