How to get to sleep in the heat

Summer brings longer days, warmer temperatures, and the urge to spend more time outdoors. However, as the sun sets, the rising heat can become painful a hindrance to a good night's sleep.

We've all been there - tossing and turning in the middle of the night whilst it's too hot to sleep.

The discomfort of sweaty nights and stuffy bedrooms can make it challenging to drift off into a peaceful slumber.

Fortunately, with a few adjustments and strategies, you can beat the heat and enjoy restful sleep even during the hottest nights of summer.


Stay Cool Before Bedtime

As the evening approaches, take steps to cool down your body temperature. A cool shower or bath can lower your core body temperature, preparing you for sleep.

Ensure that the water is not too cold, as extreme temperature changes can shock your body.

Additionally, wear lightweight, breathable clothing made of natural fibres like cotton, which allows for better air circulation and helps wick away sweat.


Create a Comfortable Sleeping Environment

Make your bedroom a sanctuary for sleep by optimising its conditions for coolness and comfort.

Keep curtains or blinds drawn during the day to block out direct sunlight, preventing your room from heating up excessively.

Consider using a fan or air conditioner to circulate air and maintain a comfortable temperature. Position the fan so that it creates a cross-breeze, pulling warm air out and drawing cooler air in from outside.

You may also find Kokoon's Nest Pillow to be helpful in creating that serene sleeping environment.


Choose the Right Bedding

Your choice of bedding can significantly impact your sleep quality during hot summer nights.

Opt for lightweight, breathable sheets and pillowcases made of natural materials such as cotton or linen.

These fabrics are more absorbent and breathable than synthetic materials, helping to regulate body temperature and wick away moisture. Additionally, consider using a lightweight summer duvet or opting for just a top sheet to cover yourself if needed.


Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can exacerbate feelings of discomfort and make it harder to fall asleep during hot summer nights.

Ensure you stay well-hydrated throughout the day by drinking plenty of water. However, be mindful of consuming excessive fluids close to bedtime to avoid disruptive trips to the bathroom during the night.

A good practice is to drink water steadily throughout the day and taper off your intake in the hours leading up to bedtime.


Mind Your Diet

Your diet can also influence your body's ability to regulate temperature and promote sleep.

Avoid heavy, spicy, or rich foods in the evening, as they can increase metabolic heat production and make you feel uncomfortably warm. Instead, opt for light, easily digestible meals that won't burden your body as it tries to cool down.

Additionally, consider enjoying a small, carbohydrate-rich snack before bed, such as a banana or a slice of whole-grain bread, as it can promote the release of sleep-inducing hormones.


Utilise Cooling Techniques

Implement various cooling techniques to help lower your body temperature before bedtime.

Placing a cool, damp washcloth on your forehead or wrists can provide instant relief from the heat. As suggested by one Kokoon team member, you can also try chilling your bed sheets or pillowcases in the refrigerator before bedtime for a refreshing touch. Maybe their suggestion of putting them in the freezer we'll leave out, though...

Additionally, invest in a cooling gel pad or pillow to provide targeted relief to areas of your body prone to overheating.


Embrace Breathable Sleep Positions

Certain sleep positions can help facilitate airflow and promote cooling during hot summer nights.

Opt for positions that allow for maximum exposure of your body to the air, such as sleeping on your back with your arms and legs slightly spread apart.

Alternatively, try elevating your legs slightly with a pillow to improve circulation and reduce swelling, particularly if you suffer from swollen ankles or feet in the heat.


Stay Consistent with Sleep Schedule

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can help regulate your body's internal clock and improve overall sleep quality, even during the summer months.

Aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day to establish a healthy sleep-wake rhythm.

It is perfectly fine to still have that slightly later Friday night and a later rise on Saturday - but make sure to keep this within reason to prioritise your sleep.

Consistency signals to your body when it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep, regardless of external temperatures.


Audios to help cool down

Thinking out loud, here - but certain sleep audios may potentially help distract.

I personally love the sound of a cool, calm, crashing seaside soundscape - one that makes the extra warmth feel that little bit more pleasurable.

Or, if that isn't your cup of tea, try listening to your favourite audiobook or podcast instead.

If you haven't already, check out our Philips Sleep Headphones and how sleep audio can help you get the perfect night's rest. 


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